Fraz Frazzle, a graduate of UC Berkeley, USA, being one of the earliest students of Mr. Keshe is a very knowledgeable metaphysician & senior plasma scientist. He works with his partner Alison, investigating, experimenting and developing plasma technology in their own science lab/studio/workshop very efficiently and effectively. His invaluable findings are shared and passionately taught in FESIG's meetings regularly. Here's a fine example of his brilliant findings - click here for the youtube of his amazing teachings. Here are the papers he wrote: 1. NanoCoating & Blow Off, 2. Multimeter News, 3. Introduction to GANs 4. GANs & Salt. | ||
Nanocoating and Blow off on Metal Surfaces
-by Fraz Frazzle
Nanocoating is the process of adding layers of carbon to the outside of a piece of matter.
The more the number of layers the better. The properties of nanocoating is that it forms an insulation on metals that is non conductive superficially. But when DC current is applied it becomes super conductive in between the nano layers. When AC current is applied the current travels only in the layer between the matter state of the base metal and the first layer of nanocoating. In the case of AC current the nanocoating acts as an insulator similar to the non-conductive plastic coating found on household electrical wiring. Often you will see folks demonstrate this property by touching a nanocoated bare wire that has an Alternating Current running through it.
The main difference between a natural oxide coating on copper wire and nanocoated copper wire is while there is a thick layer of corrosion on the copper, it is still conductive to AC and you will get a nasty shock touching an AC charged wire that is simply corroded.
I will address nanocoating on other surfaces that are organic, crystalline, or non-conductive in a later article.
We can nanocoat metal using Caustic vapor steaming, by fire, by DC high voltage , dirty AC (multiple frequency including DC), fine gray wood ash in water (natural caustic) and one that has not been discussed yet “Ion nanocoating” that our team has perfected that takes weeks to several months. Depending on the material to be nanocoated different techniques are needed. Please practice each method because it is an art.
Blow off on Metal Surfaces
Blow off of nanocoating: the bane of Plasma device builders. Blow off happens when: A) The base metal is heated to much and expands during the nanocoating process, B) When the nanolayers are applied to quickly and thickly in the caustic steaming, C) When the metallic surface is bent, twisted, D) when touched or brushed when it is new, E) if the oil or shellac coating is not removed properly prior to nanocoating (usually the case in caustic method).
Proper nanocoating may look black or reddish brown, dull at first changing to almost waxy shiny when ready to GANS(tm K.F.) The color differences is due mostly to the refraction of light off of the nano surfaces. Oxides will have a much wider range of colors. Note: Use your multimeter to test conductivity (no conductivity with the multimeter means good nanocoating providing that it does not flake or blow off). Poorly done flame nanocoating and properly done caustic vapor nanocoating will result in a thick clumpy nanocoat. Properly done flame nanocoating, high voltage DC, and ion nanocoating produces many many layers of superfine nano layers.
Tricks in Nanocoating: A) our team hangs all nanocoated wires
onto an earth ground wire. This wire is attached to a three
meter grounding rod that is driven all but ten centimeters into the
earths surface. If the nano coating blows off during this
tempering stage it means the nanocoating was not properly done and the
process has to be repeated or the metal rejected and used in the
production of GANS(tm),
B) Heating or burning the metal prior to caustic vapor to remove oils
and shellac, C) Washing the metal with vinegar or acid prior
nanocoating. D) Most important, constructing the receiver
“plug and play connector end” to the wire prior to nanocoating.
This will be the end that plasma will flow into when this wire is added
to your plasma device polarity is super important. NOTE: If you
use the earth ground method the “plug and play” will not be the end
attached to the earth ground! If your choose your shorter wire on
your outer spring of a double coil to be the plug and play, this will
allow you to use the longer wire to hang with. Remember that
your plasma flows in opposite directions in your double spring coils so
the inner plug and play will be on the other end than the outer.. (you
will thank me when you start assembly)
Damage and flaking of nano surfaces during assembly: Please wear either soft gloves or thin rubber gloves when handling nanocoated surfaces. Caustic steam nanocoated materials should be rinsed to remove excess caustic(GANS(tm) dip in aqueous solution). Note: caustic will burn bare skin. We spray cold caustic solution to the connection points after assembly and on any part that got damaged, nano surfaces will repair themselves once assembled and given a DC charge. This is why we have a warmup period for each of the devices that may take several months prior too adding a heavy resistance load or amperage. This warm up period is most important in AC applications. Testing is being done on DC loads that are much much heavier on brand new devices. Remember DC charges build nanocoating onto surfaces faster.
Remember Nanocoating is an Art... PRACTICE... PRACTICE.... PRACTICE!
What is a multimeter and Why do we use it with plasma coils?
-by Fraz Frazzle
The Multimeter measures both AC and DC current. The old ones have a needle that moves and the new ones have a digital readout screen. The multimeter also has a setting that measures the resistance of the circuit/wire by sending a small DC current between the two probes many of the multimeters have an audible setting in the resistance setting. If you talk with very old electricians they will tell you that “you hear resistance” meaning as the tone changed it reflected the amount of resistance in the circuit, because they did not have a digital read out of the difference between the current sent and the current received.
When we heat up copper wire to nanocoat it, we build up a static charge inside the wire. This shows up as milivolts on our multimeter. Example: set your multimeter to read DC there is a red wire and a black wire on most meters that plug into the meter.. or the part that you plug in your probe wires is colored one red and one black.. some only have a “+” , and “-” for DC The Red will be “+” and the Black will be “-” place the Red “+” to the “+” end of any small battery and the Black “-” to the “-” end of the battery. The meter will then read out how much voltage is available still in your battery meaning if you have a new 1.5 v AA battery your meter should read close to 1.5V. If it reads -1.5 volts you have reversed your wires from your meter. Either way it means your setting is correct to discharge the milivolts out of your nanocoated wires.
Take a newly nanocoated wire (coil etc) and place one end of the probe to each end of your nanocoated wire. The new digital multimeters will automatically set themselves from usual DC current to the milivolt DC current. It does this by dropping the decimal point off the screen... meaning your multimeter may read 100 volts and start fluctuating down and back up until it reaches 0 you are reading milivolts and it takes 1000 of them to make 1 volt. The fluctuating down on the meter is reading the process of discharging of the nanowire. It can recharge on it's own because the carbon nanocoating can grab the static electricity out of the air around it like an antenna. So if you wait a few minutes and test again you may see the same fluctuating down on your meter but not as high as before.
Turn your multimeter setting to resistance it is the one that is not “off” nor AC nor DC it has the symbol on it that looks like a simple line drawing of a little light bulb with its wires sticking out each side “Ohms” Your multimeter only has four basic settings off, AC, DC and Ohms depending on your meter each of the non “Off” settings may have two or three sub settings. The setting with the little light bulb and two wires symbol on it measures resistance in units called Ohms
CATION: never ever measure AC or DC voltage using the setting with the light bulb symbol! You will blow a fuse in your meter or ruin the meter forever! Never read voltage using the Ohm setting! A
With the meter set on Ohms cross the two probes.. if the meter has an audible setting it will give you a tone, this tone pitch says you have no resistance. If you touch something that is a poor conductor between the two probes like a can you will hear a different pitch in the sound. This sound is created by the meter sending a very low DC voltage from one probe to the other. If you look at your digital read out you should see different numbers between these two tests. Here is the confusing part many meters will read “0” when there is no resistance and total resistance. Sorry that is just the way they are made.
Because of this “0-ing” feature of the Ohm meter function the old electricians contend “you Hear the amount of resistance”
Back to our nanocoated wire. If you lightly touch each end of the nanocoated wire with the probes and the coating is really good you will get no reading meaning no voltage passed through the wire 0 Ohms Because the nanocoated when done properly acts like wire insulation or plastic. This feature on nanocoated wire is only at the most superficial layers.. if you scrape down and test you will find that there is less and less resistance and the number on your meter will increase.
So you discharged your nanocoated wire and then tested the resistance but you find that your Ohm meter setting still has numbers showing up on the screen. Depending on what you are going to use your wires for and how soon this may not matter because when we run current trough nanocoated wires the nanocoating repairs itself!
Why do we have to discharge and test our nanowires? 1) it aligns the charge on the nanocoated surface to allow the electrical current to pass quickly from point a to point b in a superconductive way “0” resistance. 2) it sets the charge in spaces between the nano partials more evenly so the process of dipping the coils in dilute aqueous gans allows the mono-atomic particles of gans to deposit into these spaces. If you leave a charge in the wire this charge may repel the mono-atomic gans particles .
Gans = Gas At Nano State as defined by Mr Keshe
by Fraz Frazzle
We have the basic four Gans. CO2, CUO, CH3. ZnO
These are the building blocks of the inorganic Gans.
We have Organic Gans Thousands and thousands of them. All the food we eat, all the natural cloths we wear, all the creatures we know are made up of organic gans. All the organic gans are made up in a great part by the basic four inorganic gans.
Our body makes Gans, Trees make gans, even the insects make gans! All gans are composed of some part of water H20, be it the H, or be it the O2. Water is the universal solvent. The commonality of all. Water has the properties of being a solid, a liquid and a gas at the same time at the same temperature. Water to fish is like air to us, it is so much all of everything we do we forget that it is there. But water never forgets.
When we make gans we imprint the water with the fields of the materials we are using to reduce into gans. Water remembers the structure and the fields of everything in comes in contact with, including your moods. Feel free to look it up, water has memory. Crystalline impressions when frozen show up as wonderful snow flakes of geometric configurations or amorphous masses of jumbled shapes. Plasma fields show up in water when it is frozen next to or dunked in it. The plasma fields stop the ice from forming. Ice the property of water that tears mountains down. Ice that crushes large ships stopping them dead in the water. But ice cannot stop plasma. The energy of the plasma field moves the water away as it freezes to form arching patterns, and pulling particles into the core aligning the particles into areas that have more and areas that have less.
Different gans change the Ph of water some acidic some alkaline. Some gans are fluffy and expanding we say they have a magnetico property. Others are more dense and compact at the bottom of the gans generating beakers. Most of the Gans we produce are a mixture of these two properties. The gravitational that settles out quickly and the more magnetico that stays in solution suspended in the water.
In many of the ways we prepare Gans we use salt. NaCl the sodium Na acts as a catalyst while the Cl or chlorine works with the water to brake down the matter state as HCL . Not all salts are the same. Some contain a multitude of trace elements and others have no trace elements at all. Sea water is used often in gans production and it contains everything that has washed the land plus from around the world brought to that specific location in various concentrations differing from location to location and from different times of the year or decades. The water of the sea contains quantities of both inorganic compounds and organic compounds, many that are still living creatures! When looking at salts the type of salt will change the properties of your gans greatly. Do you think that there just might be a little bit of difference if you used table salt or if you used Epson salts? Each of the salts reacts with a different atomic weight value range found in all metals and for that matter all matters. Look closely at the periodic table of elements at the atomic weight, you will see a range of atomic weights for that group of elements we call Lead, Copper, Zinc, etc.
We use strong Alkali in making gans, Lye, etc. the type of Alkali will
change the properties of the Gans.
Acid, your stomach uses acid Hcl to break down food into organic
gans that the plasma field is absorbed by the body to give you life and
energy. We can use these same acids to make gans of food or
any organic matter .
Current is used to make gans but depending on the amperage (power of the current) will affect the resulting gans. Simple Galvanic current generated by dissimilar metals often is more than enough to make gans by simply attaching copper wires from on to the other. When I say “more than enough” I mean even simple Galvanic current may have to many amps to give you the desired gans. Adding batteries or veritable DC power sources changes the properties of your gans... for basic gans less is more and we try to limit the amperage to less than 0.03amps. For highly Galvanic combinations such as copper and zinc we often have to limit the current by inserting an LED between the wires connecting these two metals. The higher the amperage or current the more matter state of the metal blows off Into solution. Blow off is not gans.
Gans of water. This gans is produced by adding liquid caustic to salt water that has a high trace element level often called Ormus. A similar form can be made from Ocean water but it is not the same as the classic Ormus using Dead Sea salt. One can make an Ormus or gans of water, from water collected at the mouth of a river, think about it.
We have covered the basics of gans but gans comes in several physical forms. We are going to stay away from the Organic gans for a moment. I am proposing we use the following symbols for which state gans is found. (G) (A) (N) (/m) (/g) G = gaseous A = Aqueous N = nano particle the N has two sub categories /m = magnetico /g = gravitational. The N nano particle can also be described as paste meaning it still has a little water in it (P) or (S) = solid or dried form. To make this chart a little more complete we show the Ph for each of the gans as “+” alkaline, or “-”as acidic This nomenclature is no where complete but it gives us a starting point to describe specifically which gans we use where. The G or gas stage of gans is the gaseous plasmatic state often used in respiratory therapy. Where we imprint the water vapor with the gans then administer it to the patient to breath into the lungs. Gans of CUO in Aquarius plasma state nomenclature would look like CUO -(A/g)
This leaves one form of gans or matter state of gans for last. (C) this is a huge category both in the inorganic gans and the organic gans. We will start with the easy one from the organic gans sugar. Found in the (A) aqueous state as tree sap as an almost gans of water state in the (N) state and most common in the crystalline (C) form found in the sugar bowl on your dinner table. All those crystals you wear on your fingers or around your neck once were gans often in water. All have memory or can store memory because they once were suspended in water. All of your metals are crystals that we have heated and driven the water out of it. But as we said above, in time water will wear it away like it does the mountains.
So what does water play in making gans? EVERYTHING! The biggest point I want to make is vitally important if we are going to move forward in the field of plasma. TAKE CARE OF YOUR WATER and it will take care of you. Imprint into it what you want your gans to do, when you make it. Keep it fresh, keep it moving if you can like a river. Do not let it die on the shelf. Be happy with it. Show it some love.. even say a payer for it. You are 97% or more water, your connection to the water is going to give you the control and the activation of your devices. When you put the metal into the water tell it you are sorry but let it know why you are doing it. If there is a good reason, water will work with you. I know this sounds super strange, but try it. Get a group of your good friends together to meditate or pray over a bottle of drinking water. Each take a sip prior to the experiment and then after about fifteen minutes of prayer or meditation taste the water again.
Gans and Salt: Why and how Much?
-Fraz Frazzle
The answer is “what do you want to do with it!”
We go back to an old saying “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail!” “Perfect practice makes the practice perfect.” and one more “If you are certain that what you are doing will not work, it will not work, so why are you doing it?”
We start with the first answer “What do you want to do with your device?” .Because what you make your gans for is to create a device to do something. Write down what you intend your device to do. Is it to make electricity? Is it to make your car run better? Is it to heal a body? Is it to create levitation or flight? Or is your intention something different? Is your intention that what you are doing isn't going to work? If your intention is just to make gans than it does not matter much which salt you use, because all you will be doing is making more and more gans that will sit on your shelf with no purpose other than to look impressive. In that case your intention is art and it will manifest no matter what kind of salt or how much you use.
Pick a reason any reason write it down. In writing, place this intent on your container, this will remind you of your intent over the coming days weeks or months. There will be no confusion when it comes to collect, wash and apply your gans to your device.
Choosing your salt. It is wise to know what is in your salt, each item that is in the salt will react with the materials you will be placing in or around your gans production.
Table salt is basic NaCl plus an anti caking chemical. Do you know what that chemical is and do you want it in your health pad or pen? Does it match your intent to provide better health for people?
Ocean water: What is in it? Where was it collected? What else is in the Ocean water and does it match your intent? Ocean or sea water has everything that the fresh water came in contact with from the land. It also has everything in that sample that the volume of the same came in contact with while it was in that Ocean or Sea. All the sea creatures, all the birds, all the animals, all the factories, cities, and yes, humans. Oh yes one more item, live and dead creatures. The nice thing about ocean or sea water, it has all the isotopes and NaCl at the right concentration!
Mined natural high content salt. ( go to your health food store section, or your fancy restaurant supply store, it comes in gray, green, pink, white, etc) It has NaCl plus quite a number of trace elements and isotopes. It also has bits and pieces of the tires of the machine that removed it . It has bits and pieces of the factory where it was sacked along with the dust where ever it was left exposed to the world environment at each location.
Instant Ocean processed salt for aquariums, has the average trace element content of all the oceans of the world, but without any of the experience of the water added. But it does have the tires of the machine that mined the NaCl, plus all the machine parts of everything that was used to produce it plus the dust from where ever each of the items were mined or collected.
All these factors come into play when you make your devices. Cheer up! Intent will cause you to make subtle changes in what ever you are doing at the moment and these changes pulls the realization of your intent into reality. It is said that no two Magrav units are the same, each as a little tweak that was done to it as it was being built that makes it slight different from all the others. With practice consistency of outcome increases. Perfect practice makes a practice perfected.
When you make your gans write the intent of the purpose you are making this gans for “Health pen Gans” “Electric generator gans” “Spaceship drive engine gans” . Then at least once a day or more stop by each container and and read the label look at the gans production.
Concentration of salt and intention. What do you need? What is needed? How much? Why? Did you ever ask yourself these questions? Earlier I said the ocean water had the right concentration already... but that changes a great deal as to were you collected it. Was it by a river, was it after a rain. Did you collect it on the shore or several miles off shore? All is still correct but it will affect the speed of the production, faster is not always better, to slow and you will never get your device completed. You choose, a pinch, a cup, a lot, a little. This will affect the amount over time. But no matter you will get what you need if you are clear in your planning.
Let's go one step farther, not only the kind of NaCl salt you use makes a difference because of the different isotopes in each of the NaCl salts, how your prepare your salts adds or subtracts the intensity of the fields did you wash the dust out of your salt prior to mixing all of it into your gans production container? It may not have mattered in the electrical units one bit but you may want to check if you want it in a health pad!
Being clear on the planning of this article I am writing I do have to widen your view of salt. There is many more different kinds of salt than NaCl. Have you ever wondered why some salts are called Epson salts? Did you read the label? What would happen if you added a completely different form of salt ? One that was not NaCl using the same solids(metals,wood, herbs,) in your gans production tub, the end result of gans will not be the same as what you got using NaCl salts. Different fields, different chemicals, results in a different gans. Planning is everything!
Be clear in your intent. “I can't never did anything” was the favorite saying of my grandfather.
A better plan makes for a better product. You can grab a box of cake mix and make a cake if you follow the instructions, but your cake will only be as good as the person filling the box. Meaning a master baker using the exact same ingredients, will produce a much better cake then the one in the box. What is even more incredible is if that same master baker was forced to use only the ingredients from the box that master baker would produce a much nicer cake than yours even if you follow the instructions exactly.
You are making your own new device, it is your creation it will be completely different than what everybody else has built. With practice and understanding of the processes used in the creation of your devices, your following devices will get better if that is your intent.
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